To the teams who have placed first in each region and format, congratulations! We would also like to take this chance to thank and congratulate the Runner-Ups and Participants. Without you guys, this league wouldn't be possible. These winners and runner-ups can be seen below:
AUS/NZ Highlander
- Red Pandas
- Atomic Affinity
- Aim on Point
AUS/NZ 4v4
- :B1:
- :(
- Popcorn Time!!
ASIA Highlander
- Reciprocals Respawn
- Midget Apples
For all those who will no doubt ask, ALL badges will be distributed in the next two weeks. Please let us know if you do not have your badge or have not received it by the 8th of September. You can do this via contacting us through #admin-support in our Discord.

Hey everyone,
It’s been a while since we’ve done a proper update or announcement on any changes. In fact, it’s been a while since we have made changes, but boy do we have a heap of changes on the way. We will let you know more about these changes in the coming days, but first we want to ask you what you think of some of them, and ask how you feel about the formats we run!
You can find the poll below, but first I thought we would tease some of these upcoming changes:
- Divisions for AUS/NZ Highlander will be split into Premier (Round Robin) & Main (Swiss), will also have two divisional administrators per division
- Regular season will last 7 weeks, Playoffs for each division will be Top 4 teams, meaning Playoffs will be shorter and less stressful
- No mid-season breaks
- Less restrictive whitelist
- Two maps (or sets) per week - one half per map. Time wise both are close to the same, but this allows us to give a better and more accurate score system by removing any need for Total Map Points
- Match Days are being lowered to 5 over 6, more information in the poll
- New default match day and time (used only in match disputes)
- Roster size changes along with more lenient mercenary rules
- Public facing staff roles (eg. Administrators & Discord) will be less confusing, will now follow Head Admin > Admins > Tournament Staff > Pug Runners
- League Pugs are making a return
- 10 maps in map pool, with 4 being played twice in a regular season
We would also like to give you some notice of the schedule of this season:
- Signups open > 8th September
- Signups close > 27th September
- Regular Season starts > 30th September
- Regular Season ends > 15th November
- Playoffs Season starts > 18th November
- Playoffs Season ends > 6th December
Also another notice, sometime after the AUS/NZ HL Grand Finals this season, the website will be down for maintenance, and will be moved to a new box, along with a bunch of upgrades to the site as well.

Please note, this as an amendment to this user's original ban.
Common Name - "Mute God".
Original Reason - Continued Poor Behaviour, Disrespectful towards Administrators, Inappropriate Usage of Discord accounts.
Amended Reason - Continued Poor Behaviour, Disrespectful towards Administrators, Inappropriate Usage of Discord accounts, Use of Third Party Applications to gain an unfair advantage.
New Ban Period - 5 Year Competitive and Community ban, after which the case will be reviewed.
Steam ID - N/A
Discord ID - N/A
Should ANY team or user be found trying to harbour the user above for the period of their ban, they will receive an equal or worse punishment. The Respawn League will not tolerate this level of poor behaviour and lack of integrity.

Yup, it's that time again. We would like to congratulate the Top 4 teams who have made it into the AUS / NZ 4v4 Season 2 Playoffs. As always, the schedule for playoffs can be a bit hectic, but we have done our best to make the schedule easy to follow and spread over the four weeks in a better way for participating teams. If you have not made it to playoffs, we would like to congratulate you and thank you for your efforts this season. All badges will be distributed at the completion of the season.
- :B1:
- :(
- Popcorn Time!!
- 4s
Playoffs Bracket Terminology
We have changed some Playoffs terminology for this season, these changes can be seen below:
- Upper Bracket is now Winners Bracket
- Lower Bracket is now Losers Bracket
- Grand Finals is separate from Winners & Losers Bracket Finals
While these changes are more heavily geared towards larger Playoffs brackets, we've done this to fall in line with more common terminology used by other tournaments. In the long run this should hopefully ease some confusion.
The below schedule is used to illustrate what matches are played each week, with the allowed days also being listed under the image. As you have made it to playoffs, we expect that you ensure you and your team's availability for these days, as matches will be tightly scheduled and closely monitored by each Sub-League's Manager (see our staff list here).
Playable Match Days for each set of matches:
Week 1: Winners Bracket Round 1 (BO1): Monday - Saturday
Week 2: Winners Bracket Round 2(BO3) & Losers Bracket Round 1 (BO1): Monday - Saturday
Week 3: Losers Bracket Round 2 (BO3): Monday - Saturday
Week 4: Winners Bracket Grand Finals (BO3): Monday - Saturday
The BO1 & BO3 matches are marked with BO1 or BO3 in the above schedule.
Map Pool
Picks & Bans
Picks & Bans are different for Best of 1 Map and Best of 3 Map matches. BO1 matches are played with two halves, BO3 matches are 1 half for each map. The order of Picking and Banning can be seen in the below lists:
Best of 1 Map
Home Team Bans
Away Team Bans
Home Team Bans
Away Team Bans
Home Team Picks
Best of 3 Maps
Home Team Bans
Away Team Bans
Home Team Picks
Away Team Picks
Away Team Bans
Home Team Picks
Bracketing and Seeding
This season's playoffs are run using Double Elimination, which will pair the Top 4 and Bottom 4 seeded teams against each other for the Winners Bracket Round 1 matches. The winning team goes on through the Winners Bracket Round 2, with the losing team being moved down to the Losers Bracket to play a second match against other teams who have lost. An example of which seed is matched with the other, please refer to the line below.
1v4 and 2v3.
If you are still unsure, perhaps a screenshot of the Toornament page may help.
Match Coverage
All requests to cast from unapproved Casting Organizations or Entities need to be run by the Sub-League's Manager. For official coverage of matches, follow our Twitch channel. If you wish to seek approval, please read this thread first.

Yup, it's that time again. We would like to congratulate the Top 8 teams who have made it into the AUS / NZ Highlander Season 3 Playoffs. As always, the schedule for playoffs can be a bit hectic, but we have done our best to make the schedule easy to follow and spread over the four weeks in a better way for participating teams. If you have not made it to playoffs, we would like to congratulate you and thank you for your efforts this season. All badges will be distributed at the completion of the season.
- Red Pandas
- Atomic Affinity
- Aim on Point
- Crippled Airlines
- Midget and Mallard
- lizlamic state
- Made In Australia
- Sanctum
Playoffs Bracket Terminology
We have changed some Playoffs terminology for this season, these changes can be seen below:
- Upper Bracket is now Winners Bracket
- Lower Bracket is now Losers Bracket
- Grand Finals is separate from Winners & Losers Bracket Finals
While these changes are more heavily geared towards larger Playoffs brackets, we've done this to fall in line with more common terminology used by other tournaments. In the long run this should hopefully ease some confusion.
The below schedule is used to illustrate what matches are played each week, with the allowed days also being listed under the image. As you have made it to playoffs, we expect that you ensure you and your team's availability for these days, as matches will be tightly scheduled and closely monitored by each Sub-League's Manager (see our staff list here).
Playable Match Days for each set of matches:
Week 1: Winners Bracket Round 1 (BO1): Monday - Saturday
Week 2: Winners Bracket Round 2 & Losers Bracket Round 1 (BO1): Monday - Saturday
Week 3: Winners Bracket Semifinals (BO3): Monday - Saturday
Week 3: Losers Bracket Round 2 (BO1): Monday - Wednesday
Week 3: Losers Bracket Round 3 (BO3): Thursday - Saturday
Week 4: Losers Bracket Round 4 (Bronze Match) (BO3): Monday - Saturday
Week 4: Winners Bracket Grand Finals (BO3): Monday - Saturday
The BO1 & BO3 matches are marked with BO1 or BO3 in the above schedule.
Map Pool
Picks & Bans
Picks & Bans are different for Best of 1 Map and Best of 3 Map matches. BO1 matches are played with two halves, BO3 matches are 1 half for each map. The order of Picking and Banning can be seen in the below lists:
Best of 1 Map
Home Team Bans
Away Team Bans
Home Team Bans
Away Team Bans
Home Team Picks
Best of 3 Maps
Home Team Bans
Away Team Bans
Home Team Picks
Away Team Picks
Away Team Bans
Home Team Picks
Bracketing and Seeding
This season's playoffs are run using Double Elimination, which will pair the Top 4 and Bottom 4 seeded teams against each other for the Winners Bracket Round 1 matches. The winning team goes on through the Winners Bracket Round 2, with the losing team being moved down to the Losers Bracket to play a second match against other teams who have lost. An example of which seed is matched with the other, please refer to the line below.
1v8, 2v7, 3v6, 4v5.
If you are still unsure, perhaps a screenshot of the Toornament page may help.
Match Coverage
All requests to cast from unapproved Casting Organizations or Entities need to be run by the Sub-League's Manager. For official coverage of matches, follow our Twitch channel. If you wish to seek approval, please read this thread first.
Current Staff List | Competitive Ruleset | Match Casting
- red.pandas
- Atomic Affinity
- Aim on Point
- Crippled Airlines
- Midget And Mallard
- lizlamic state
- Made In Australia
- Sanctum

To the teams who have placed in Asia Highlander S2, congratulations! We would also like to take this chance to thank and congratulate the Runner-Ups and Participants. Without you guys, this league wouldn't be possible. These winners and runner-ups can be seen below:
- Reciprocals
- Midget Apples
For all those who will no doubt ask, Asia Highlander badges will be distributed in the coming days. Please let us know if you do not have your badge or have not received it by Friday the 26th. You can do this via contacting us through #admin-support in our Discord.

Yup, it's that time again. We would like to congratulate the Top 4 teams who have made it into the Asia Highlander Season 2 Playoffs. As always, the schedule for playoffs can be a bit hectic, but we have done our best to make the schedule easy to follow and spread over the four weeks in a better way for participating teams. If you have not made it to playoffs, we would like to congratulate you and thank you for your efforts this season. All badges will be distributed at the completion of the season.
Playoffs Bracket Terminology
We have changed some Playoffs terminology for this season, these changes can be seen below:
- Upper Bracket is now Winners Bracket
- Lower Bracket is now Losers Bracket
- Grand Finals is separate from Winners & Losers Bracket Finals
While these changes are more heavily geared towards larger Playoffs brackets, we've done this to fall in line with more common terminology used by other tournaments. In the long run this should hopefully ease some confusion.
The below schedule is used to illustrate what matches are played each week, with the allowed days also being listed under the image. As you have made it to playoffs, we expect that you ensure you and your team's availability for these days, as matches will be tightly scheduled and closely monitored by each Sub-League's Manager (see our staff list here).
Playable Match Days for each set of matches:
Week 1: Winners Bracket Round 1 (BO1): Tuesday - Sunday
Week 2: Winners Bracket Finals (BO3) & Losers Bracket Round 1 (BO1): Tuesday - Sunday
Week 3: Losers Bracket Finals (BO3): Tuesday - Sunday
Week 4: Grand Finals (BO3): Tuesday - Sunday
The BO1 & BO3 matches are marked with BO1 or BO3 in the above schedule.
Map Pool
Picks & Bans
Picks & Bans are different for Best of 1 Map and Best of 3 Map matches. BO1 matches are played with two halves, BO3 matches are 1 half for each map. The order of Picking and Banning can be seen in the below lists:
Best of 1 Map
Home Team Bans
Away Team Bans
Home Team Bans
Away Team Bans
Home Team Picks
Best of 3 Maps
Home Team Bans
Away Team Bans
Home Team Picks
Away Team Picks
Away Team Bans
Home Team Picks
Bracketing and Seeding
For an example of which seed is matched with the other, please refer to the line below.
1v4, 2v3.
If you are still unsure on the schedule, you can check out our Toornament page, or the handy screenshot below (please note the date on the schedule indicates the last day a match can be played):
Match Coverage
All requests to cast from unapproved Casting Organizations or Entities need to be run by the Sub-League's Manager. For official coverage of matches, follow our Twitch channel. If you wish to seek approval, please read this thread first.

Due to the low team count for Asia Highlander this season, we have decided to start Playoffs earlier to avoid teams having to play each other multiple times. With this in mind, there will be a one week break starting tomorrow (24/06), with Playoffs starting the following week on Monday (01/07).
As this is rather sudden, rosters will remain unlocked up to, and will close on Sunday (30/06). We urge you to use this period to bring on extra substitutes.
We would like to remind Teams and Captains of some key rules specific for Playoffs:
- If your team is unable to play Playoffs, please inform us prior to match generation
- You can NOT forfeit during Playoffs, as this results in immediate removal from the Playoffs Season
- All mercenaries need to be approved by both the other team’s Captain, and a League Administrator
If you have any issues, questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via Discord Messages or through #admin-support in our Discord.