Showing posts by core
Thread: Asia Highlander Season 1 - Map Schedule & More Information!
core Head of Anti-Cheat, Retired Head Administrator

After a period of uncertainty, we are closing signups for Asia Highlander on Sunday 24th @ 10PM GMT +8. While it is a late start to our season, we will be a six week regular season and normal length playoffs season, however it will eat into our regular season break (probably only one week).

We have secured server providers for the region, a list of which can be seen in our #how-to-get-a-server channel of our discord. We have ensured that all bookable providers have our configs and whitelists. If you would like to see our whitelist, refer to the link at the bottom of this post.

Our weekly schedule is now opened to a 6 day match week, with Monday being the only day that cannot be played. By opening Tuesday - Sunday up, we can give everybody the option to schedule their matches around other commitments.

We understand our initial release of the season was not successful, but we believe by listening to further feedback we can shape our league into something the community can get behind. If you have any feedback, please do not hesitate to drop it in our #ticket-submissions channel, you can use .new to create a ticket and drop feedback in anonymously. By using this bot, we can easily keep track of any and all feedback.

Map Schedule (Regular Season):
1. pl_borneo
2. koth_product_rc9
3. pl_upward
4. cp_steel
5. koth_ashville_rc1
6. pl_badwater_pro_v12
Playoffs map pool includes the 6 maps above.

Highlander Guide -
Server Guide -
Respawn League Discord -

Thread: Weekly Matches generated & Changes to Weekly Posts!
core Head of Anti-Cheat, Retired Head Administrator

Hey! Welcome back to another week of the Respawn League Highlander and 4v4 leagues. We have received quite a few messages regarding servers, all of which can be answered by checking out the #how-to-get-a-server channel of our Discord. Like always, post all match details in your matches' matches communications. If you have any questions, issues or concerns let us know in #admin-support of (you guessed it), our Discord.

If you are in ANZ, this is your third week of matches for Highlander and 4v4. The maps you will be playing this week are cp_vanguard for Highlander, and koth_cascade_rc1a for 4v4. If you are unaware of the config needed for these maps, they are listed in our #how-to-get-a-server channel of our Discord.

If you are in Asia, this is your second week of matches for 4v4. The map you will be playing this week is koth_airfield_b7. If you are unaware of the config needed for this map, it is listed in our #how-to-get-a-server channel of our Discord.

As for the future of these weekly posts, they simply take too much time while generating matches, for what doesn't seem to be showing results. We will still be notifying Captains of when matches will be / are generated via the Captain Hub in our Discord, but we feel that by condensing this time required for the overall process, we can focus on a 6 match day per week schedule. This will also mean that match notices will be absent, whether these will return is uncertain (match notices are the info walls we include in each generated match for reference).

Thread: Respawn League Ban - dingdoungr
core Head of Anti-Cheat, Retired Head Administrator

The user above has been found using third party programs to gain an unfair advantage. While it is not known if the user has previously participated in a league, the ban has been placed for the peace of mind of players and teams within our league. This ban covers League Participation only, with no other effect on their access to other Respawn League services.

Game Altering Third Party Software

dingdoungr - Respawn Account
Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:160133725
Discord ID - 199779002687291392

Avoiding our Bans system is something we do not encourage, as you can see above.

Thread: Mirrored Ban - Michael_.__
core Head of Anti-Cheat, Retired Head Administrator

The user above was found to be distributing third party programs to players in ozfortress' league. In the spirit of upholding standards upon our league and it's players, we will be mirroring this user's ozfortress ban for the full duration, which after this period their ban will be reviewed. This ban covers League Participation and other Respawn League services.

DIstribution of third-party programs

Michael_.__ STEAM_0:0:130210098

The named player has been found distributing third-party programs to
players in the ozfortress league. As such, this player has been banned
from, the community's competitions, and all other
ozfortress properties for a period of 1 year, after which time the
persons will be on permanent probation. If they are found aliasing
during their competition bans, their ban duration will be extended.

Source: ozfortress ban: Michael_.__ -

Avoiding our Bans system is something we do not encourage, as you can see above.

Thread: ANZ 4v4 Season 1 - Week 2
core Head of Anti-Cheat, Retired Head Administrator

Welcome to Week 2 of Respawn League ANZ 4v4 Season 1. Please make sure you're checking your alerts and using your match comms to communicate with the other leaders.

The map being played this week is Airfield (koth_airfield_b7). If you have any problems or queries regarding this week's matches or the league in general, you can visit our Discord on the right of the page and seek admin support.

You can see the map schedule here.
(If you're having trouble setting up a server, you can use this guide for a guideline.)

Thread: ANZ Highlander Season 2 - Week 2
core Head of Anti-Cheat, Retired Head Administrator

Courtesy of Bizink

Welcome to Week 2 of Respawn League ANZ Highlander Season 2. This is the second iteration of matches in Respawn League ANZ Highlander for Season 2! Please make sure you're checking your alerts and using your match comms to communicate with the other leaders.

The map this week is Product (koth_product_rc9)

If you have any problems or queries regarding this weeks match or the league in general, you can visit our Discord on the right of the page and seek admin support.

  • You can download the map by clicking here.

  • You can see the map schedule here.

( If you're having trouble setting up a server, you can use this guide for a guideline. )

Thread: Asia 4v4 Season 1 - Week 1 + Map Schedule
core Head of Anti-Cheat, Retired Head Administrator

Welcome to Week 1 of Respawn League Asia 4v4 Season 1. Please make sure you're checking your alerts and using your match comms to communicate with the other leaders. This week's notice will be a little different as it has the most up-to-date map pool and schedule for this season.

  1. koth_maple_ridge_b6
  2. koth_airfield_b7
  3. koth_cascade_rc1a
  4. cp_warmfrost_rc1
  5. koth_stallone_b2
  6. koth_product_rc9
  7. koth_brazil
  8. koth_bagel_rc2a

The map being played this week is Maple Ridge (koth_maple_ridge_b6). If you have any problems or queries regarding this week's matches or the league in general, you can visit our Discord on the right of the page and seek admin support.

You can see the map schedule here.
(If you're having trouble setting up a server, you can use this guide for a guideline.)

Thread: ANZ 4v4 Season 1 - Week 1 + Map Schedule
core Head of Anti-Cheat, Retired Head Administrator

Welcome to Week 1 of Respawn League AUS / NZ 4v4 Season 1. Please make sure you're checking your alerts and using your match comms to communicate with the other leaders. This week's notice will be a little different as it has the most up-to-date map pool and schedule for this season.

  1. koth_maple_ridge_b6
  2. koth_airfield_b7
  3. koth_cascade_rc1a
  4. cp_warmfrost_rc1
  5. koth_stallone_b2
  6. koth_product_rc9
  7. koth_brazil
  8. koth_bagel_rc2a

The map being played this week is Maple Ridge (koth_maple_ridge_b6). If you have any problems or queries regarding this week's matches or the league in general, you can visit our Discord on the right of the page and seek admin support.

You can see the map schedule [here][3].
(If you're having trouble setting up a server, you can use this guide for a guideline.)