Playoffs Banner

Hello again, everyone. Congratulations to those who made it into Playoffs!

This week's matches can be played Monday - Friday, make sure you schedule as such.

The structure for all brackets in Playoffs, with the exception of the Finals, are as follows:

Home Team Bans
Away Team Bans
Home Team Bans
Away Team Bans

You will be choosing from this set of maps for your map bans.


Administration during Playoffs

If you have any issues during Playoffs, you need to contact us immediately, failure to do so in certain scenarios will result in penalties. If you know your team cannot participate in the Playoffs for any reason, contact us prior to the first round.

Administrators will be following each and every match closely, ensuring Match Details are confirmed and the results are submitted correctly and truthfully. Certain Playoffs matches will be cast by our Official Channel, so please follow our rules when participating in one of these casted matches, and change your name to your username on the league website.