Head of Anti-Cheat, Retired Head Administrator
Welcome to Week 1 of Respawn League Asia 4v4 Season 1. Please make sure you're checking your alerts and using your match comms to communicate with the other leaders. This week's notice will be a little different as it has the most up-to-date map pool and schedule for this season.
- koth_maple_ridge_b6
- koth_airfield_b7
- koth_cascade_rc1a
- cp_warmfrost_rc1
- koth_stallone_b2
- koth_product_rc9
- koth_brazil
- koth_bagel_rc2a
The map being played this week is Maple Ridge (koth_maple_ridge_b6). If you have any problems or queries regarding this week's matches or the league in general, you can visit our Discord on the right of the page and seek admin support.
You can see the map schedule here.
(If you're having trouble setting up a server, you can use this guide for a guideline.)
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