Hey! Welcome back to another week of the Respawn League Highlander and 4v4 leagues. We have received quite a few messages regarding servers, all of which can be answered by checking out the #how-to-get-a-server channel of our Discord. Like always, post all match details in your matches' matches communications. If you have any questions, issues or concerns let us know in #admin-support of (you guessed it), our Discord.
If you are in ANZ, this is your third week of matches for Highlander and 4v4. The maps you will be playing this week are cp_vanguard for Highlander, and koth_cascade_rc1a for 4v4. If you are unaware of the config needed for these maps, they are listed in our #how-to-get-a-server channel of our Discord.
If you are in Asia, this is your second week of matches for 4v4. The map you will be playing this week is koth_airfield_b7. If you are unaware of the config needed for this map, it is listed in our #how-to-get-a-server channel of our Discord.
As for the future of these weekly posts, they simply take too much time while generating matches, for what doesn't seem to be showing results. We will still be notifying Captains of when matches will be / are generated via the Captain Hub in our Discord, but we feel that by condensing this time required for the overall process, we can focus on a 6 match day per week schedule. This will also mean that match notices will be absent, whether these will return is uncertain (match notices are the info walls we include in each generated match for reference).