core Head of Anti-Cheat, Retired Head Administrator

Over the last few weeks we have noticed an emerging and alarming behaviour of teams constricting what days can be played in a week for the opposing team. So we will clarify what the match days are below, and state our expectations regarding organization, along with how the rules engage it.

ANZ - Monday - Saturday
Asia - Tuesday - Sunday

This alarming behaviour we have been noticing is stemming from the belief that teams and team captains don’t have to conform to our rules. Keep trying this and we’ll see how that goes. There are some rule changes that teams need to note:

  • Each team is now REQUIRED to have a minimum of four playable
    match days
    per match week. This is non-negotiable, if you cannot
    have these days along with proof that your team can make these days,
    then you will be looked past when resolving a dispute between you and
    a team that does have those days.

  • Match Ransoming is getting an update - failure to present viable
    reasoning for why your team cannot play prior to the Match
    Organization deadline will result in penalty. If a team does not
    produce this evidence upon request from the opposing captain, they
    can contact an administrator.

All match negotiations, along with the time and day of when the match will be played, will be complete prior to the times below for each region, or captain’s will start to see accruing penalties.

ANZ - Tuesday 11:59PM AEDT
Asia - Wednesday 11:59PM AEDT

This does NOT mean that matches need to be played by then. This means that all match details other than a server are organized and sorted prior to this time. First offenses will be left to admin discretion depending on the situation, however a second offense will be a defaulted match loss for your team’s next match. We will not stand for the poor behaviour and sportsmanship that has been present so far. We recognize this is something we have dropped the ball on so far, and we feel this is an important first step to rectifying this.