Hey everyone,
It’s been a while since we’ve done a proper update or announcement on any changes. In fact, it’s been a while since we have made changes, but boy do we have a heap of changes on the way. We will let you know more about these changes in the coming days, but first we want to ask you what you think of some of them, and ask how you feel about the formats we run!
You can find the poll below, but first I thought we would tease some of these upcoming changes:
- Divisions for AUS/NZ Highlander will be split into Premier (Round Robin) & Main (Swiss), will also have two divisional administrators per division
- Regular season will last 7 weeks, Playoffs for each division will be Top 4 teams, meaning Playoffs will be shorter and less stressful
- No mid-season breaks
- Less restrictive whitelist
- Two maps (or sets) per week - one half per map. Time wise both are close to the same, but this allows us to give a better and more accurate score system by removing any need for Total Map Points
- Match Days are being lowered to 5 over 6, more information in the poll
- New default match day and time (used only in match disputes)
- Roster size changes along with more lenient mercenary rules
- Public facing staff roles (eg. Administrators & Discord) will be less confusing, will now follow Head Admin > Admins > Tournament Staff > Pug Runners
- League Pugs are making a return
- 10 maps in map pool, with 4 being played twice in a regular season
We would also like to give you some notice of the schedule of this season:
- Signups open > 8th September
- Signups close > 27th September
- Regular Season starts > 30th September
- Regular Season ends > 15th November
- Playoffs Season starts > 18th November
- Playoffs Season ends > 6th December
Also another notice, sometime after the AUS/NZ HL Grand Finals this season, the website will be down for maintenance, and will be moved to a new box, along with a bunch of upgrades to the site as well.