core Head of Anti-Cheat, Retired Head Administrator

Season 1 Poster

Our thanks
I'de like to thank each and every person who has signed up to the website and joined our Discord. We've crossed 200 members on Discord and close to 100 on the league website. It's also good to see the amount of full, ready teams that signed up.

When do signups close?
Signups for Season 1 close on Monday the 10th of September at 11:59PM AEST.

Asia league situation?
Many have asked over the past few days as to what our current plans are. The current status of the Asia division is that we will have to delay the Season by a few weeks, maybe longer. We will be bringing constant updates on the situation for the region. In the meantime, if you wish to participate in some highlander pugs in the South East Asia region, you can join the SEA Highlander Discord. Once we have things setup in the region we will start hosting official pugs.

Whats the issue with the Asia region?
Currently, we only have 4 servers, graciously provided by PURE, as our only guaranteed servers. While CPU.TF has our configs on their servers in the region, but have a limited amount of servers depending on how many other servers are operating. Our current plan is to setup our own servers in the region, and we are assessing the financial possibility of this.

Whats happening with Off-Season Tournaments?
While we were planning to run a tournament after this season, we've postponed this until we know exactly what is happening in the Asia region.

We've updated our rules surrounding exploiting.
Please remember to check the rules frequently as they are being updated. Ignorance of them is not innocence.

Can we have a higher roster limit?
You ask, and you shall receive. Sort of. We've upped the roster limit by 1 for now, from 14 to 15. This allows an extra substitute and the possibility of having a 6s roster on your Highlander roster. We don't see the need of going above this number.

Mercenary rules have been relaxed.
We have relaxed the mercenary rules, so you can now use a maximum of 8 mercenaries a season, with a maximum of 2 per match. This was changed purely for people who don't have reliable substitute players.

Yes, badges. You've probably seen the concepts in our #tf2-discussion chat. We have now passed the design to our badge modeler. We will provide updates on this as they come.

Respawn Plus
We've had some people who are wishing to support us financially, to cover server costs and whatnot. While for these people the league may be enough, we would like to give them something more. Respawn Plus is going to be a series of rewards and perks. More on this at a later date. We want to reassure everyone that the league will always be a free service, and donations are not needed unless you feel it is.
