AU/NZ Highlander - Season 10

Main - Semi-Finals

Home Team
in memoriam fatpizza
Away Team
¿Vashta? Captain
smazza Captain
vonixyy Captain
Raina Captain
boo Captain
Cobra Captain
browns Captain
hef Captain
Guss Captain
fez Captain
Schedule suggestions (based on availability): Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Match Comms
Raina Captain acensin

match confirmed for sunday 9

Can we merc Peep on Pyro? Gingacharmas net is still fucked

Raina Captain acensin


We allowed Aino? Fennex? Ether? Not sure who actually played in the end.
We merced Peep and Henwe (for 1/2 a round)

Raina Captain acensin

only used ether :D