AU/NZ Highlander - Season 1
Week 4
Aim on PointHome Team |
vs |
lizlamic stateAway Team |
Captain CappingTV
Account Disabled
Account Disabled
Aim on Point beat lizlamic state, 2 to 0
Schedule suggestions (based on availability):
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Match Comms
Head of Anti-Cheat, Retired Head Administrator
Please refer to the Match Notice for more information on reporting scores, links and mercenaries. We have been lenient thus far, but in the previous week we have had to confirm 4 matches that were not fully reported or weren't at all. Please also be advised that you can now edit your days of availability under the Manage tab on your Team's page.
If you have any issues, please post them in the #admin-support of our Discord.
monday 8:02 and 30 secs
that's a le gg
Social Links